Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 1, 2013

Building Vocabulary: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

Many studies show the importance of building children’s vocabulary. One study has shown that a set of 20 prefixes and 14 roots, and knowing how to use them, will unlock the meaning of over 100,000 words. A similar study showed that a set of 29 prefixes and 25 roots will give the meaning to over 125,000 words. Imagine adding suffixes! Below are lists of prefixes, suffixes, and roots - with their meanings and example words.1 Reviewing these also can help many ELL students to see relationships between and among languages. Many prefixes have a basis in Latin - also the basis for Spanish, French, and Italian - or Greek.

Table 1: 32 Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example words and meanings
a, ab, abs away from ■    absent
■    abscond
■    not to be present, away
■    abscond - to run away
ad, a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, at, as to, toward ■    adapt
■    adhere
■    annex
■    attract
■    to fit into
■    to stick to
■    to add or join
■    to draw near
anti against ■    antifreeze
■    antisocial
■    a substance to prevent freezing
■    refers to someone who’s not social
bi, bis two ■    bicycle
■    biannual
■    biennial
■    two wheeled cycle
■    twice each year
■    every two years
circum, cir around ■    circumscribe
■    circle
■    to draw around
■    a figure that goes all around
com, con, co, col with, together ■    combine
■    contact
■    collect
■    co-worker
■    to bring together
■    to touch together
■    to bring together
■    co-worker
de away from, down, the opposite of ■    depart
■    decline
■    to go away from
■    to turn down
dis, dif, di apart ■    dislike
■    dishonest
■    distant
■    not to like
■    not honest
■    away
epi upon, on top of ■    epitaph
■    epilogue
■    writing upon a tombstone
■    speech at the end, on top of the rest
equ, equi equal ■    equalize
■    equitable
■    to make equal
■    fair, equal
ex, e, ef out, from ■    exit
■    eject
■    exhale
■    to go out
■    to throw out
■    to breathe out
in, il, ir, im, en in, into ■    inject
■    impose
■    to put into
■    to force into
in, il, ig, ir, im not ■    inactive
■    ignoble
■    irreversible
■    irritate
■    not active
■    not noble
■    not reversible
■    to put into discomfort
inter between, among ■    international
■    interpose
■    among nations
■    to put between
mal, male bad, ill, wrong ■    malpractice
■    malfunction
■    bad practice
■    fail to function, bad function
mis wrong, badly ■    mistreat
■    mistake
■    misplace
■    to treat badly
■    to get wrong
■    to put in wrong place
mono one, alone, single ■    monopoly
■    monotone
■    monologue
■    monosyllable
■    one ownership
■    one note
■    speech by one person
■    one syllable
non not, the reverse of ■    nonsense
■    nonprofit
■    not making sense
■    not making a profit
ob in front, against, in front of, in the way of ■    obstacle
■    obvious
■    obviate
■    something that stands in the way of
■    right in front of, apparent
■    to do away with, make unnecessary
omni everywhere, all ■    omnipresent
■    omnipotent
■    always present, everywhere
■    all powerful
per through ■    pervade
■    perceive
■    to pass through, to spread through
■    to become aware through sight
poly many ■    polysyllable
■    polygon
■    many syllables
■    figure with many sides
post after ■    postpone
■    postmortem
■    to do after
■    after death
pre before, earlier than ■    preview
■    prehistoric
■    preface
■    a viewing earlier than another
■    before written history
■    a statement before an article or book
pro forward, going ahead of, supporting ■    proceed
■    prowar
■    promote
■    to go forward
■    supporting the war
■    to raise or move forward
re again, back ■    retell
■    recall
■    recede
■    to tell again
■    to call back
■    to go back
se apart ■    secede
■    seclude
■    to withdraw, become apart
■    to stay apart from others
sub under, less than ■    submarine
■    subway
■    subliminal
   under water
   a path or way to move under ground
   below the level of consciousness
super over, above, greater    superstar
   a start greater than other stars
   to put over something else
trans across    transcontinental
   across the continent
   to lie or go across
un, uni one ■    unidirectional
■    unanimous
   having one direction
   sharing one view
   having one side
un not    uninterested
■    not interested
■    not helpful
■    not ethical

Table 2: 27 Roots

Root Meaning Example words & meanings
act, ag to do, to act ■    Agent
■    Activity
■    One who acts as a representative
■    Action
apert open ■ Aperture ■ An opening
bas low ■    Basement
■    Basement
■    Something that is low, at the bottom
■    A room that is low
cap, capt, cip, cept, ceive to take, to hold, to seize ■    Captive
■    Receive
■    Capable
■    Recipient
■    One who is held
■    To take
■    Able to take hold of things
■    One who takes hold or receives
ced, cede, ceed, cess to go, to give in ■    Precede
■    Access
■    Proceed
■    To go before
■    Means of going to
■    To go forward
cred, credit to believe ■    Credible
■    Incredible
■    Credit
■    Believable
■    Not believable
■    Belief, trust
curr, curs, cours to run ■    Current
■    Precursory
■    Recourse
■    Now in progress, running
■    Running (going) before
■    To run for aid
dic, dict to say ■    Dictionary
■    Indict
■    Indicate
■    A book explaining words (sayings)
■    To say or make an accusation
■    To point out or say by demonstrating
duc, duct to lead ■    Induce
■    Conduct
■    Aqueduct
■    To lead to action
■    To lead or guide
■    Pipe that leads water somewhere
equ equal, even ■    Equality
■    Equanimity
■    Equal in social, political rights
■    Evenness of mind, tranquility
fac, fact, fic, fect, fy to make, to do ■    Facile
■    Fiction
■    Factory
■    Affect
   Easy to do
   Something that is made up
   Place that makes things
   To make a change in
fer, ferr to carry, bring    Defer
   To carry away
   Bring a source for help/information
graph write    Monograph
   A writing on a particular subject
   A form of carbon used for writing
mit, mis to send    Admit
   To send in
   Something sent through the air
par equal    Parity
■    Equality
■    No equal, not alike
plic to fold, to bend, to turn ■    Complicate
■    Implicate
■    To fold (mix) together
■    To fold in, to involve
pon, pos, posit, pose to place ■    Component
■    Transpose
■    Compose
■    Deposit
■    A part placed together with others
■    A place across
■    To put many parts into place
■    To place for safekeeping
scrib, script to write ■    Describe
■    Transcript
■    Subscription
■    To write about or tell about
■    A written copy
■    A written signature or document
sequ,secu to follow ■    Sequence
■    Sequel
■    Consecutive
■    In following order
■    A second, following, book
■    One that follows another
spec, spect, spic to appear, to look, to see ■    Specimen
■    Aspect
■    An example to look at
■    One way to see something
sta, stat, sist, to stand, or make stand ■ Constant ■ Standing with
stit, sisto

■    Status
■    Stable
■    Desist
■    Social standing
■    Steady (standing)
■    To stand away from
tact to touch ■    Contact
■    Tactile
■    To touch together
■    To be able to be touched
ten, tent, tain to hold ■    Tenable
■    Retentive
■    Maintain
■    Able to be held, holding
■    Holding
■    To keep or hold up
tend, tens, tent to stretch ■    Extend
■    Tension
■    To stretch or draw out
■    Stretched
tract to draw ■    Attract
■    Contract
■    To draw together
■    An agreement drawn up
ven, vent to come ■    Convene
■    Advent
■    To come together
■    A coming
ver, vert, vers to turn ■    Avert
■    Revert
■    Reverse
■    To turn away
■    To turn back
■    To turn around

Table 3: 23 Sufixes

Suffix Meaning Example words & meanings
able, ible, ble able to ■    Edible
■    Salable
■    Able to be eaten
■    Able to be sold
acious, cous, al like, having the quality of ■    Nocturnal
■    Vivacious
■    Of the night
■    Having the quality of being lively
ance, ancy the act of, a state of being ■    Performance
■    Truancy
■    The act of performing
■    The act of being truant
ant, ent, er, or one who ■    Occupant
■    Respondent
■    Teacher
■    Creator
■    One who occupies
■    One who responds or answers
■    One who teaches
■    One who creates
ar, ary connected with, related to ■    Ocular
■    Beneficiary
■    Related to the eye
■    Connected with one who receives benefits
ence quality of, act of ■ Existence ■ The act of existing or being
ful full of ■ Fearful ■ Full of fear
ic, ac, il, ile of, like, pertaining to ■    Cardiac
■    Civil
■    Infantile
■    Acidic
■    Pertaining to the heart
■    Pertaining to citizens
■    Pertaining to infants
■    Like acid
ion the act or condition of ■ Correction ■ The act of correcting
ism the practice of, support of ■ Patriotism ■ Support of one’s country
ist one who makes, does ■ Artist ■ One who creates art
ity, ty, y the state of, character of ■    Unity
■    Shifty
■    Showy
■    The state of being one
■    State of shifting around
■    State of always showing oneself
ive having the nature of ■ Active ■ Having the nature of acting or moving
less lacking, without ■ Heartless ■ Without a heart
logy the study of ■ Biology ■ The study of life processes
ment the act of, the state of ■ Retirement ■ State of being retired
ness the quality of ■ Eagerness ■ The quality of being eager
ory having the nature of, a place or thing for ■ Laboratory ■ A place where work is done
ous, ose full of, having ■    Dangerous
■    Verbose
■    Full of danger
■    Full of words, or wordy
ship the art or skill of, the ability to ■ Leadership ■ The ability to lead
some full of, like ■ Troublesome ■ Full of trouble
tude the state of quality of, the ability to ■ Aptitude ■ The ability to do
y Full of, somewhat, somewhat like ■    Musty
■    Chilly
■    Willowy
■    Having a stale oror
■    Somewhat cold
■    Like a willow

Table 4: Taking words apart

Word Prefix Root Suffix Meaning
Concurrence con: with curr: run ence: act of Act of running with, happening at same time
Exaggerate ex: out ag: to do, act To act out
Irreversible ir: not vers: turning ible: able to Not able to turn back
re: again
Malediction male: bad dict: to say To say bad things, a negative statement
Precursor pre: before curs: to run or: one who Something that comes before
Unity uni: one ty: state of State of being one, a single thing or being
Untenable un: not ten: holding able: able to Not able to hold on

Developed by Judith Wilde, PhD for Beta Group - Albuquerque, NM and Arlington, VA (rev 8/06).

This document revised from Gary Gruber's work on increasing children's test scores: Dr. Gary Gruber's Essential Guide to Test Taking for Kids, Grades 3, 4, & 5. (1986); Dr. Gary Gruber's Essential Guide to Test Taking for Kids, Grades 6, 7, 8, & 9. (1986); and Gruber's Complete Preparation for the SaT (9th Edition, 2001) -- all published by Collins, New York City.

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